  • Unigrains makes its first investments in Italy

    ln ltaly, Unigrains relies on a Milan-based team of growth capital investors to support development projects for ltalian agri-food SMEs. The first two investments were made recently and a third is being finalised.


    Support the development of a fast-growing industrial player in ltaly, in a still highly fragmented market offering great opportu­nities for external growth

    A family-owned company founded in 1925 in the Veneto region, Trasporti Romagna generates sales of more than €11 0m and provides transport services, mainly for the food industry, with 1.9 MT of grain transported for animal feed and 2.3 MT of food products for the agri-food industry and mass retail. Through its subsidiary Systema, the company provides logistics services with 29 platforms (160,000 m2) managed for customers.

    Recent events
    • A first build-up was carried out in March 2017 with the ac­quisition of Ar.Ri Trans (€5m in sales) and others are currently being finalised
    • Organic growth supported by the growing demand among customers to outsource the management of their logistics plat­forms
    • Strengthening of management team: a Head of Human Rela­tions and a Head of Platforms were hired at the end of 2016


    Dual goal: external growth (acquisitions of ldea Quick and Righi) and creation of an ltalian market leader in the savoury snack seg­ment.

    Sfloglia Torino and ldea Quick produce puff-pastry based snacks and frozen ready-made meals for hypermarkets and supermar­kets, the catering industry and industrial players. They have 49 and 29 employees, respectively, in two plants of 4,500 m2 and 3,500 m2, certified IFS and BRC. Righi produces and distributes frozen gourmet meals and enjoys strong recognition. The com­pany has 30 employees and a 1,500m2 plant. The Group gene­rates combined sales of around €30m.

    Recent events
    • lntegration and optimisation of the three companies' bu­sinesses and structuring of the new group
    • Numerous synergies achieved, driving medium-term profita­bility gains
    • Transfer of some equipment from one site to another, pizza production consolidated at Sfoglia Torino site

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